Monday, September 29, 2014

0 Can a Dead Frog Make You Rich?

his is my second email I’ve written to share some of rich dad’s lessons and to address the unemployment concern. The government is too afraid to tell the truth of the nation’s rampant unemployment, the highest seen in decades. While it would be nice to believe the government figures, I think we all feel that things are not good. The economy is worse off than they are saying.
I promised to share some of rich dad’s lessons. The difference between my rich dad’s advice and what they teach in school is simple. School always says, “Go to school and get good grades so you can find a safe, secure career with benefits.” My rich dad’s advice was, “If you want to be rich, you need to be a business owner and an investor.” My problem was that school did not teach me to own businesses or to be an investor.
One day after school, I was working in my rich dad’s office. I was about 15 years of age at the time and was very frustrated in school. “Why don’t they teach us about money in school?” I asked him.
“I don’t see any relevance between what we are required to study in school and the real world,” I continued. “I just want to learn to be rich. So how is dissecting a dead frog going to help me get a new car? If the teacher would tell me how a dead frog can make me rich, I would dissect thousands of them.”
Rich dad laughed aloud and asked, “What do they tell you when you ask them about the relationship between dead frogs and money?” “They say, ‘You need to get good grades so you can find a safe secure career,’” I replied.
“Well that is what most people want,” said rich dad. “Most people go to school to find a career and some kind of mythical supernatural financial stability that they were told about in bedtime stories.”
“But I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be an employee working for someone else. I don’t want to waste my life having someone else tell me how much money I can earn or when I can go to work or take a vacation. I want to be free. I want to be rich. I don’t want to work for someone else.”
There is so much more to rich dad’s lessons. Realizing that being an employee won't free you is not the lesson here. You must free yourself, and you can’t do that with what is taught in school.
Next I’ll explain that the solution to the problem is also the solution to success and wealth. No matter what goes on in the world, you can succeed. Thank you for reading. If you find value in these emails please share them with your friends.
To making life better,
Robert Kiyosaki

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